Monday, January 26, 2009

whoppersacrifice @ Linkedin : Perfect example of Technology in Marketing

Recently Burger King launched an application on Facebook, where users can sacrifice their friends for a "Whopper Burger". 

The application works like this, The users were given an option of winning a burger if they sacrifice their 10 friends using the "whopper sacrifice widget"; sacrifice here means that they will be deleted from the persons friend list. 
Normally when a person delete another person from his or her friend list it is not announced, this application by Burger King, gave the user an option of sending the deleted person a message that he has been scarified for a burger, and this was termed as "Whopper Sacrifice".

This application seemed to be a great hit with over 233906, people 'scarified' their friends for a burger.

Now facebook went back to Burger King to modify its widget and Burger King eventually took off its widget from the Facebook platform, but what is most important here is the clever mix of Technology and Buzz that Burger King was able to generate using this widget.

I have always believed that the technology gives the marketier the added edge to sell and market their product, and this small widget is the perfect example, the company would have only spent little amount to develop this widget but the publicity it has gained is far more than any other conventional marketing tools.
Perhaps this is what is "thinking out of the box"

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