Wednesday, July 2, 2008

For MBA Grads its time to learn a Different Language

According a new report as per the economic times , the MBA graduates of Indian origin can be immensely benefited if they learn Mandarin language. the reason , most of the American executives are having a tough time adjusting to the Chinese culture and they are planning to go back to America. this would create huge opportunities for the executives who know the Chinese language.
During our International Marketing classes we were told about the fact that the cultural shocks are the most disturbing , the lifestyle , food habits and even the behavior pattern all change 360 degrees. these all results in the inability of the persons to adjust to a local environment. this is equally applicable for the products we market in any region , until and unless we bring localisation and include local tastes and/or preferences into that product, that product is bound to fail .
So to sum up all MBA grads like me, need to start looking for a good language school where we can learn Chinese, and then start adopting and adjusting ourselves for the cultural shock we would have, if we are lucky enough to go to the manufacturing hub of the world.

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