Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Should Governments Bail Out Companies ?

Today's Times Of India had a story about Jaguar Land Rover seeking 1 bn pound loan from the UK government, the question which comes to the mind is should government be bailing out these companies. 
Very recently many financial institutions in the United Stated were given a bailout of $500 bn, AIG was bought over by the US government and many other small and medium scale companies also were helped directly or indirectly by the government.

Every company is managed by its Board, which take decisions on its strategies which course its future, if the people who are deciding its future knowingly throwing its to the dogs, then why should government spend the money of the taxpayers.
Some might argue that eventually its the money of the common man which is lost if these companies sink, but I would rather say "don't drown thyself to safe a drowning man", any how common investor will loose money but let the market itself decide the future of the company let not the government get itself into the act of a 'cleaner' who is going to  clean the financial mess which is created by the inability of the board members to run a company.

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