Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mr. Thakrey does it Again

Today I was going through the news when a particular news item caught my attention. The news was about Mr. Bala Saheb Thakrey , and his so called ‘clarion call’ to the Hindus to form militant organizations to retaliate to the extremist who particularly belong to the Islamic sect.
Off late the man and his son has been in the news for all the wrong reason and the current episode doesn’t seem any different, the man seems doesn’t think what the repercussions might follow if the hindus start doing what the man urges them to do, to me it’s a classical case when a person has a ‘diarrhea of words’ and has ‘congestion of ideas’ .
Extremism can lead to no solutions ,it would only lead to bloodshed of our follow nationals . Today if Hindus do it then tomorrow it would be Sikhs then Christians . Eventually it would percolate to the sects in a religion and then sub sects and eventually the country which is social, secular, democratic will be ruled by guns and grenades , where everyone would be a lawmaker and will have the law in their hand and would be ready to remove grudges with the help of a grenade .
Mr. Thakrey should remember that the power of the literature is immense , it helped many nations to gain independence , help overthrow many oppressors and have lead the countries to a new dawn , it has been rightly said that a “pen is mightier than a sword” , but in this case I really wonder how could the holder of this pen write this.

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